We will have a 4-week rolling window of availability through the summer break

How to prepare for your Senior Session

1. Traditional tuxedo and drape outfits for senior portraits will be provided by Muñoz Photography. These outfits are required for your yearbook photographs and must be completed by the yearbook deadline.

2. Cap and gown attire will also be provided by Muñoz Photography.

3. Ensure you bring a white T-shirt to wear under the tuxedo and a black tube top for portraits involving drapes.

4. Immediately following your session, a viewing consultation will take place.

5. We strongly recommend parents attend this appointment, as orders for senior portraits can only be made in-studio.

Mandatory Requirements

It is mandatory to adhere to your school’s requirements regarding the dress code for your yearbook photo.

Tuxedo Option

Please bring a white T-shirt to wear underneath the tuxedo.Hair must be well groomed, short in length, not extend below the collar or cover the eyes

• No exotic hair colors, styles, or completely shaved heads
• Sideburns must be shorter than the bottom of the ear
• Clean-shaven and no earrings
• Arrive dressed in a stylish outfit.You may bring props (sports gear, hats, sunglasses, etc.)

Drape Option

• Bring a tank top or strapless shirt/dress
• Hair and make-up should be completed before arrival at the studio
• Two (2) earring limit. Piercings other than ears (nose, lip, etc.) are not acceptable
• We recommend that nails are done.
• If you have a class ring, bring that as well.
• Arrive dressed in a stylish outfit.
• You may bring props (sports gear, hats, sunglasses, etc.)

Our Location

We Can’t Wait to Capture Your Senior Moment!


664 W Oakland Park Blvd, Wilton Manors, FL, 33311
Directions from i95:
1. Exit 31 - Oakland Park Blvd. East
2. Pass through the first intersection, Powerline Road
3. We are the 5th building on the right (south) side of the road